Journal Contributions
Jake Zwart, “Calender Barring Review with Experiences” TAPPI Journal, 21(7) : 377 (2022).
Jake Zwart, Walter Tarnowsky, “Winder Vibration Related to Set Throw-Outs” Pulp & Paper Canada (2008).
Robert K. Stevens, Jake Zwart, and Stuart R. Loewen, “Building a defect-free reel on the paper machine.” TAPPI JOURNAL, Vol. 81(7), July (1998).
Robert M. Melnick, Jake Zwart, Jean W. Zu, and Phil Whiting “Comprehensive Modelling of a Calender Stack for Prediction of Offsets.” (1997)
Jake Zwart and William R. Farrell, “Oxbow Effect and Surface Temperature Profiles of Calender Rolls.” Pulp & Paper Canada, Vol. 93, No. 2 (1992) pp. T41-T47. 
Conference Contributions
Zwart, J., Lindgren, D. “Paper Machine Winder Vibration Testing Using TVDFT. .” In: Di Maio, D., Baqersad, J. (eds) Rotating Machinery, Optical Methods & Scanning LDV Methods, Volume 6. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham. (2020). 
Jake Zwart, “Pedestal Motor Base Redesign to Ensure Vibration Free Operation / Sensitivity Analysis of Paper Machine Roll Critical Speeds.” PAPTAC 101st Annual Meeting (2015)
Jake Zwart, Daniel Zwart, “Calender Roll Critical Speed.” CMVA Ontario Chapter Annual Meeting (2014)
Jake Zwart, “Gearbox Failures.” CMVA Case Study (2014)
Jake Zwart, Bill McKevitt "Dynamic Testing and Analysis for Pedestal Motor Base Upgrade." CMVA Annual Meeting (2012)
Jake Zwart, “Case Studies of Set Throw-Outs.” CMVA Annual Meeting (2008)
Jake Zwart and Walter Tarnowski, “Winder Vibration Related to Set Throw-Outs.” PAPTAC 89th Annual Meeting (2003). 
Jake Zwart and Louis Cote, “The Struggle for Paper Uniformity." PAPTAC (2002).
Robert M. Melnick, Jake Zwart, Jean W. Zu, and Phil Whiting, “Comprehensive Modelling of a Calender Stack for Prediction of Offsets.” (1997).
S Shelley, J Zwart, A Fournier, “New Insights into Calender Barring Prevention.” 83rd Annual Meeting, Technical Section, Pulp and Paper Magazine Canada, (1996), 64(4), (T205 14) CPPA (1997). 
Jake Zwart and Robert K Stevens, Stuart Loewen, “Building a Defect Free Reel on the Paper Machine.” TAPPI Finishing & Converting Conference (1997)
Jake Zwart and William R. Farrell, “Mill Application of Finite Element Analysis to Solve Problem of Oxbow Effect.” Pulp & Paper Canada (1995). 
Jake Zwart and William R. Farrell, “Oxbow Effect & Temperature Profiles of Calender Rolls.” Newsprint Conference of the Technical Section, CPPA (1989).
Other Publications
Jake Zwart, “Heat Transfer in Closely Packed Spheres.” University of Waterloo, Master's Thesis (1983)